Tips to Boost eCommerce Conversion Rates

If you're running an ecommerce business, you know that traffic alone isn't enough. What really matters is conversion—turning those casual browsers into paying customers. And in a world where conversion rates for ecommerce sites average around 2-3% (yes, only a tiny fraction of visitors actually hit “buy”), there’s a lot of room for improvement.

Whether you're just starting out or you've been at this for a while, let’s dive into some powerful strategies to boost your conversion rates and grow your bottom line. These tips will help you make the most out of every visit to your store.

Boost eCommerce conversions with Visceral Ore

Simplify Your Checkout Process

Did you know that over 17% of shoppers abandon their cart because the checkout process is too long or complicated? That’s according to the Baymard Institute. Streamlining this process can lead to instant results.

Hot Tip: One-Page Checkout

Aim for a one-page checkout if possible. You can also offer a guest checkout option to avoid forcing people into account creation, which reduces friction and keeps people in the purchasing flow.

Optimize Your Product Pages for Mobile

According to Statistica, last year “mobile devices facilitated over 43 percent of e-commerce retail sales in the United States. Projections for 2027 anticipate a further rise, with mobile commerce expected to account for roughly 50 percent of the total online shopping market in the U.S.” As you can see, it’s essential to make your product pages mobile-friendly. Visitors browsing on their phones want quick load times, easy-to-read descriptions, and clear calls to action with buttons that aren’t too small to press.

Mobile UX Matters

Every time you update your popup, be sure to check it on mobile. Make sure it fits all screens without left and right scrolling, and can close or minimize.

Leverage Social Proof: Reviews, Ratings, and UGC

Reviews and ratings can be the nudge a potential customer needs to feel confident about their purchase. According to Spiegel Research Center, displaying reviews can increase conversion by 270% on product pages for higher-priced items. Be sure you’re following new FTC guidelines for requesting reviews to ensure you aren’t accidentally violating the new 2024 rules. Your agency partners should advise you on strategies to ask for reviews that don’t violate these new FTC rules.

Hot Tip: Highlight UGC

Encourage customers to leave reviews, and highlight these on your product pages. User-generated content (UGC) like photos or videos adds authenticity and trust. It can also provide additional context or use-cases that will push potential buyers to hit that add to cart button.

Use High-Quality Images and Videos

Visual content isn’t just about looking good—it impacts buying decisions. According to Digital Commerce 360, 23% of shoppers “consider product videos…to be important features for a well-designed and functional online shopping experience.” By providing videos of your products on your product pages, shoppers can better understand how the product works, functions, or feels.

360 Views FTW

Use multiple high-resolution images from various angles. If possible, add a product demo video or 360-degree view to let customers get a "feel" for the item.

Offer Free Shipping (or Be Upfront About Costs)

Free shipping isn’t just a nice perk—it’s practically expected. About 46% of shoppers abandon their cart when faced with unexpected costs, including shipping fees. If you can’t offer free shipping on everything, consider options like free shipping for orders over a certain amount or offset the shipping costs with a coupon code.

Hack Shipping Costs

Show shipping costs on your product pages or just integrate them into the product price. Transparency goes a long way in keeping customers happy and reducing cart abandonment.

Create Urgency with Limited-Time Offers

Urgency is an effective motivator in ecommerce. There are several strategies to deploy that create urgency. Using a countdown timer, a flash sale that expires at a specific time, or limit the availability of a specific product.

Urgency Tip

Use banners on your landing pages or countdowns to clearly show the time left in your flash sale. Be genuine, though—customers can spot "fake" urgency.

Use Personalization to Engage Customers

Personalization isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a powerful tool. A study by Epsilon found that 80% of customers are more likely to make a purchase from a brand that offers personalized experiences. When your shop shows products based on prior searches or recommendations, shoppers are more likely to make a purchase.

Hot Tip: Personalizations Are Cool

Use browsing behavior and purchase history to recommend products, show recently viewed items, and even customize emails. Work with your team and agency partners to develop a strategy for deploying personalizations.

Improving your conversion rate is about creating a smooth, trustworthy, and engaging experience for your visitors. By simplifying checkout, leveraging social proof, offering transparent pricing, and creating urgency you’ll be well on your way to converting more visitors into customers and repeat customers.

Visceral Ore is a full-service marketing agency working with companies that target the consumer population. We work with B2C, eCommerce, and Multifamily brands to reach consumers and achieve your goals. As an extension of your marketing team, we provide strategy, design, and execution of your marketing campaigns. Schedule a consultation today.


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